Welp, it was a no show for tonight. Thank you Liz for trying to make it, I know you planned but an emergency came up.


I totally did the craft anyways! You ladies missed out on some awesome cookies! (haha, I'm just kidding, they were just frosted sugar cookies.) I'm not saying this to be mean. I totally understand that things happen. I love you all... and I hope you can make it next month!

So this is my Quiet Book I made:

Both of the folders I did were 5x8s. So when I printed my pictures, I made them on Microsoft word on 5x8 size paper. It printed on normal size paper. But this made cutting my pictures and arranging them so much easier. Because not only did I do a picture per family member... I made collages of different movie characters. What I also did was cut out a 5x8 size thick lined paper to go on the back of each picture. That way, the kids could have some free drawing space for what ever they wanted to draw.

I didn't want to label the books under each child's name because I didn't want any fighting. So I put their favorite colors on the front the folder and their picture as the first in the Quiet Book.

This is an example of one of the Disney cartoon pages I have. This one is Toy Story. What I did was search for each movie theme I wanted, and put them in a collage. I picked movies that my kids love, so I know they will like coloring on them.

This is how I attached the dry erase markers. (Mine have the erasers on the caps.) I took an elastic strip and hot glued them so there were bumps. After they dried, I squeezed the markers in to place. **Note**If you want to do this... make sure you put them more towards the left than the right... you don't want them hitting the metal clasps and making the folder shut weird. 

This is a little video showing how this whole idea works (as I'm sure you could just imagine  but I wanted to put a vid on here anyways haha).

Ok.... so for next months Main Craft...

So because I was going to also use this months meeting as a general organizational meeting as well, and no one made it... I am also going to be planning and hosting May's Main Craft. I already have an idea... you should be able to see in on the left hand column. I will send invites and notices out for that date when it gets closer so that you ladies can put it in your calender. 

And like I said... if you know about the meeting, and you don't want to do the Main Craft, please come anyways! It's always fun just to get together and chat for a while.  

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