
Had fun at the meeting tonight. I cut my squares for my beach blanket and Liz made a cute decorative deal and a apron. It was nice to get out and have some me time. Also, my husband only called me once HAHA.
Hope there is more of a turn out next month... but still, I'm thankful that I get to hang out and gab with those that to come!

The crochet doll that I'm working on for my daughter is getting done. I've done the head, body and 1 1/2 legs. :)

Kept some pockets

Some had zippers... pretty cool

My Lil' Miss approves lol

Making a Doll for my Daughter

I came across this idea and I loved it. My daughter doesn't have a lot of little girl toys. My friend, a while ago, gave us a few and she got so excited. Mostly about the two baby dolls she got. So that got me thinking... I've made a "Nightmare Eating Monster" for my oldest son. He sleeps with the every night. And I've also made a Palomino Horse for my second oldest boy. He's played with it so much, that I've had to sew back on his ear a few times haha.

I just imagine that my daughter has a fav toy to play with and takes ever where, and how much more special it would be for me to know that I was the one who made it for her. It warms my heart every time my two boys tell me how much they love their Monster and Horse. 

This is what the finished doll will look like..... (I will most likely change the colors up a bit)

I've made things with harder patterns, so I think I should be able to get this done fairly quick. Maybe. It might take me a few nights after all the kids have been put to bed. That's when I have a lot of free time. At least 2 hours. My kids have gotten really good about bed time being at 8:00 pm - even my little 9-month old princess I'm making this doll for.

I will definitely try and post some finished pictures when I'm done. 

 - I have the last months project half way done. I've painted the two side pictures and need to start working on the large center one. Things are crazy at the house, what with work and people being sick. So the next time I have free time to go outside and paint these, I will. But as for my free time at night, I think I'm going to start working on this Doll.